
Research-based formulations - proven to be effective

Research-based formulations - proven to be effective

Research-based formulations - proven to be effective

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All products are guaranteed to contain therapeutic levels of targeted nutrients

All products are guaranteed to contain therapeutic levels of targeted nutrients

All products are guaranteed to contain therapeutic levels of targeted nutrients


Not just supplements - targeted nutritional therapy building blocks

Not just supplements - targeted nutritional therapy building blocks

Not just supplements - targeted nutritional therapy building blocks


The Equi-Force™ range represents equine nutrition optimized through proven science

The Equi-Force™ range represents equine nutrition optimized through proven science

The Equi-Force™ range represents equine nutrition optimized through proven science

Equine Nutrition Supplements for the Performance Horse


Renowned equine nutritionist Dr. Amy M Gill has formulated a line of nutrient targeted therapies for horses that are affected by growth, metabolic, exercise and immune disorders by providing them with targeted levels of specific nutrients. Equi-Force products are novel, proprietary formulations based on solid clinical and field research. Dr. Gill’s formulas contain therapeutic dosing and when used correctly, will help exert a positive physiological effect by providing the raw nutrients the horse needs to get and stay healthy. 

ALL EQUI-FORCE PRODUCTS NOW WITH FREE SHIPPING!! Puerto Rico, Alaska Hawaii and Canada order will require some additional shipping.  Please call us AT 859.229.2447 for assistance if you are ordering from those states. Thank you!


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Preventing Degenerative Joint Disease: Horse Joint Supplement

Preventing Degenerative Joint Disease: Horse Joint Supplement

Horses are naturally active animals that require a lot of exercise. Too much of the same type of physical activity, however, can lead to damage and deterioration of joint tissues. Many performance horses will eventually suffer joint damage or Degenerative Joint Disease (DJD). Joint damage can be minimized through proper training and with the addition of a horse joint supplement to the diet, as well as sound veterinary care.

Reducing Inflammation in The Horse

Reducing Inflammation in The Horse

The topic of oil supplementation for the horse is a common discussion among horse owners. Often when you walk into someone’s feed room you may see bottles of corn oil, sunflower oil, or fish oil. What are these oils trying to accomplish? For some, it might be to improve coat quality or to help add weight, but the type of oil product that will be looked at today has another purpose – reducing inflammation and restoring balance to the equine diet.

Restorative and Reparative Equine Joint Supplement

Restorative and Reparative Equine Joint Supplement

For performance horses, healthy joints mean everything. The rigors of training and competing can have a degenerative effect on equine joints.  One way to help alleviate pain and rebuild healthy joints is by providing your horse an equine joint supplement. Equi-force has four joint supplements to promote optimum bone and joint health: Siiforce Horses, Osteo-Gen, GLC 5500, and MSM Equine.