Equine Nutrition and Health Services
Full equine nutrition consulting services are available to clients that are interested in receiving sound nutritional advice on an individual basis from renowned equine consultant, Dr. Amy M. Gill.
Make sure to check out all of the available interactive features, including our, “Ask a Nutritionist” online function!
Client Membership includes:
- A 45-minute quarterly review (four times yearly) of your horse(s) diet
- Access to Dr. Gill’s nutritional library which contains a variety of articles and presentations on various nutrition topics
- Two direct consultations per month between you and Dr. Gill by email or text messaging
- Discounted pricing of Equi-Force Equine Products, a full range of adjunct nutritional therapies
- One time yearly fee of $640
Equi-Force Equine Products contain therapeutic levels of nutrients that help to alleviate clinical symptoms associated with exercise, metabolic, growth and immune disorders.