Do you ever wonder if your horse’s feed is affecting his behavior? The way we feed our horses and the ingredients in feeds can contribute to behavioral changes, but with knowledge of how feed can affect behavior and diligence in the way we feed our horses, we can...
Focus on some of the more-studied and widely accepted nutraceuticals, novel treatments, and complementary therapies Alternative medicines and dietary supplements quickly are growing in popularity among those in the equine industry as a means of treating conditions and...
Determining the Best Way to Manage Metabolically Challenged Horses on Pasture. We all have had at least one or two horses that cannot be left to free range on pasture due to risk of laminitis or colic, seem to gain weight while barely eating anything and are clearly...
Though it’s not really anyone’s fault per se, today’s modern horse keeping practices have unfortunately forced horses into sedentary lifestyles where free ranging and getting plenty of exercise foraging for foodstuffs has essentially become a thing of the past....
Targeted Nutrient Therapy for Insulin Resistance As discussed in our blog post series on Feeding and Managing the Overweight Equine, obesity is becoming widespread among the equine population due to better quality nutritional products and pasture management and lack...
Supporting the Equine Immune System – Beta-Stim™ From time to time all horses can benefit from an immune boost and Beta-Stim™, a novel and unique equine immune supplement, is effective at helping the horse fend off bacterial and viral infection when...