by Dr. Amy M. Gill | Jun 20, 2023 | Equiforce product uses and applications, Equine Digestive and Probiotic Supplements, Equine diseases and disorders, Managing horses, Understanding Nutrition
This Icelandic mare is affected by Equine Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, Leaky Gut Syndrome and Laminitis This mare was diagnosed with equine metabolic syndrome and associated insulin resistance as well as acute stage laminitis because of leaky gut syndrome...
by Dr. Amy Gill | Jun 20, 2023 | Equiforce product uses and applications, Equine Digestive and Probiotic Supplements, Equine diseases and disorders, Managing horses
This aged gelding was diagnosed with Cushing’s Disease, equine metabolic syndrome, and insulin resistance. He was prescribed medication for Cushing’s Disease. He was very potbellied, had an atrophied topline, spine visible and palpable, extremely poor hair coat,...
by Dr. Amy M. Gill | Mar 1, 2023 | Equiforce product uses and applications, Equine Digestive and Probiotic Supplements, Managing horses, Understanding Nutrition
Fecal Water Syndrome (FWS) is problematic in horses and is an indicator of dysfunction in the normal fermentation of fiber, microbiome, and water resorption on the hindgut of the horse. There are many variables that can lead to FWS including but not limited to:...
by Dr. Amy Gill | May 19, 2021 | Equiforce product uses and applications, Managing horses, Understanding Nutrition
By “Amanda Duckworth” ANY ATHLETE WILL tell you that nutrition is an important part of the equation when it comes to performance—and that is no different when it comes to racehorses. The science behind what works best has been well studied in recent...
by Dr. Amy M. Gill | Dec 30, 2020 | Equine Digestive and Probiotic Supplements, Horse behavior, Managing horses, Understanding Nutrition
The benefits of adding fiber to your horse’s diet Dr. Amy M. Gill It’s a constant, never ending battle: A horse wants to chew the wood in its surroundings and as a direct result, the horse owner or barn manager spends countless hours and hard-earned dollars...
by Dr. Amy Gill | Feb 25, 2019 | Equiforce product uses and applications, Equine diseases and disorders, Managing horses
The use of food, herbs, and other alternative practices as therapeutic modalities to heal illness and acute/chronic disorders is not a new concept. Ayurvedic medicine (also called Ayurveda) is one of the world’s oldest medical systems. Its origins began in India more...